Pool Route Selling FAQ

Pool Pro X makes it easy to sell pool accounts.

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Only pay $2 ($20) per account listed

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Sellers FAQ

Why Should I Sell my Pool Accounts?

Selling pool accounts is a great way to:

1.) Decrease your overall clientele.

2.) Reduce clients in an area that you no longer wish to serve.

3.) Consolodate accounts and service more accounts within a smaller area.

4.) Save time, gas and money.

How do I Sell my Pool Accounts?

You must have an active Basic or Pro account in order to sell pool accounts.

Once logged-in to your account, you will then have access to the “form” located in the main menu under
Pool Route Seller>“List Pool Accounts”.

There you will find easy to follow instructions on how to list your pool accounts.

Some information you will need: Number of accounts for sale, monthly service amount earnings (on listed accounts), gross yearly earnings (on listed accounts), net yearly earnings (on listed accounts), average age of accounts, selling price, acceptable forms of payment, training you will provide, guarantees you will provide.

How Many Pool Accounts can I List?

List as few or as many pool accounts as you want.

Keep in mind that accounts located within close proximity of one another have a better chance of selling than accounts that are spread apart.

Can I promote my Pool Accounts listed for Sale page?

Yes, we encourage you to promote your Pool Accounts listed for Sale page by sharing a link to your page anywhere you would like to get exposure (Ex: website, social media accounts).

What Does it Cost to List my Pool Routes/Accounts?

The charge is $20 per individual pool account listed. List as few or as many accounts as you like.

List one (1) pool account for sale, and the cost is $20.

(1 pool account x $20 = $20)

List fifty (50) pool accounts for sale, and the cost is $1,000.

(50 pool accounts x $20 = $1,000)

List your entire pool route of  (120) accounts, and the cost is $2,400.

(120 pool accounts x $20 = $2,400)

The savings add-up quickly when your pool accounts are listed on Pool Pro X compared to brokers that charge a 15% –  20% commission.

Does Pool Pro X earn a Commission on Sales?

No, Pool Pro X does not take a commission on the sale of pool accounts.

Pool Pro X does not officiate and/or coordinate any part of a transaction between Sellers and/or a Buyers.

Pool Pro X charges a flat rate of $20 per individual pool account listed. Compare it to brokers that charge a commission of 15% to 20% on what a buyer pays.

Ex: You pay: on the sale of (one) $1,200 pool account

$180 – $240         Broker (commission)
$20                       Pool Pro X (only for listing)

Do my Listed Pool Accounts Ever Expire?

Pool accounts are active for up to 6 months, starting on the day they are listed, and will renew automatically.

Accounts are renewed automatically every 6 months.

*To avoid being charged a renewal fee, Sign-In then go to My Account -> Profile and under “Pool Accounts -> Billing Cycle” find the account you would like to “Cancel”.

Refunds are not available for accounts that sell prior to the 6 month expiration.

Do I Get a Refund if my Accounts Sell Early?

No, refunds are not available for accounts that sell prior to the 6 month expiration.

*To avoid being charged a renewal fee, be sure to Sign-In then go to My Account -> Profile and under “Pool Accounts -> Billing Cycle” find the account you would like to “Cancel”.

Will Pool Pro X Help Sell my Pool Route/Accounts?

No, Pool Pro X does not assist with and/or officiate and/or coordinate any part of a transaction between Sellers and/or Buyers.

Pool Pro X only provides Sellers a place to list their accounts and charges them a low flat rate per account listed compared to brokers that charge a large commission on what a buyer pays.

We do this so that Sellers can list their accounts at lower prices, and Buyers can find pool accounts and routes at discounted rates.

Items Needed to Build Confidence when Selling a Pool Route/Accounts?

To create confidence for buyers it is recommended to have the following three (3) items:

1.)  Good financial bookkeeping records to include the payment history of each account being sold.

2.)  Access to a sales contract and/or other legal documents. If you have a lawyer you feel comfortable using, that is great. For the rest of us, the use of an online lawyer (Ex: Rocket Lawyer) can be helpful and economical. Their rates are reasonable and you can cancel at anytime.

3.)  An Escrow service (Ex: Escrow.com) to act as a financial intermediary between you and the buyer. It builds confidence, and it is a safe way to protect both you and the buyer.
      After you set-up an account:
         a. you and the buyer can agree on the terms
         b. the buyer pays the Escrow service
         c. seller transfers accounts to buyer
         d. the Escrow service then releases the money, once the terms agreed upon between you and the buyer are met.

How Much Should I Ask for my Pool Route/Accounts?

5 factors to consider when pricing your pool route.
1.) Location
2.) Monthly service amount
3.) Account maturity
4.) Quality of accounts (Affluent communities, Consistent & On-time payments)
5.) How quickly do you want to sell

The industry rule of thumb for selling accounts is to take the monthly service amount and multiple that by 12 to 14. Higher values may sometimes be obtained when the above mentioned circumstances are factored in. In the end, you determine the final price.

Remember no commissions means greater savings for you and your buyer.

Monthly Service Amount = $100
(12 x $100 = $1,200) or (14 x $100 = $1,400)
The average sales amount for this account would be $1,200 to $1,400.

What Type of Training/Mentoring Period Should I Provide?

Whether or not there will be a training/mentoring period should be discussed and agreed upon prior to the sale of any accounts.

– A good starting point is 4 weeks of in-person training and an additional 4 to 8 weeks of being available over the phone for questions and support.

– The objective is to have a seamless transition between the Seller, Buyer and Customer for greater retention.

Should I Allow Potential Buyers to Preview the Pool Accounts?

It is not recommended for sellers to take potential buyers out on the route to preview accounts prior to an agreed upon sales contract, that has been signed.

There may be liability issues and you could loose some of your accounts.

It is however, understandable for a potential buyer to want to see the item they are purchasing. Especially when you consider that it may be a small fortune they are about to spend.

Be understanding, and if you decide to take a prospective buyer on a tour of your route, prior to a sales agreement, you may consider having them sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Sellers Due Diligence

Remember, this is a business transaction.

Do Your Due Diligence

Sellers and Buyers must do their due diligence before selling and buying a pool route.

Some items to consider and documentation to have prepared may include, but is not limited to; a a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), non-compete agreement on accounts for sale, verification of pool accounts, tax documentation, client payment history, financing options, training period (in-person and via phone) and legal documentation.

Due diligence and documentation are to protect both the Buyer and Seller.

Buyer's Recourse on Un-Retained Clients

Seller and Buyer should agree on what actions to take for clients that do not retain the Buyer’s services after (x) amount of time.

– Will there be any guarantees made to the Buyer concerning retention?

– Will the Buyer be reimbursed for any lost accounts within an agreed upon amount of time?

Forms of Payment You Will Accept

Sellers should know what forms of payments they are willing to accept for their accounts.

Ex: Cash, Credit Card, Cashier’s Check, Financing

Sellers should confirm with Buyers their ability to provide an acceptable form of payment prior to the sale of any pool accounts.

Be Professional

Maintain professionalism at all times between yourself and potential buyers.

Trust Your Instincts

Trust your instinct and go with your gut. If something does not feel right it probably isn’t.

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