Guest Author

Pool Pro X is looking for quality articles from people that are passionate about the pool industry.

Are you interested in sharing your knowledge with other pool professionals as well as the general public?

  • Show your expertise in your field while promoting your business.
  • Be a guest author and have your original articles published on the Pool Pro X blog.
  • Gain exposure and build brand awareness.
  • To improve your chances of being published please read below: “Submitting Articles”, “Article Writing 101” and “Category & Article Ideas”.
  • Pool Pro X provides no compensation for having an article published on the site.
  • We may add affiliate links to your article or within the page where your article is published. (No compensation will be provided to authors)
  • Not all articles will be published. You will be notified via email (if) your article is published.
  • Please, do not contact us in regards to your article being published.

Submitting Articles

To be considered for publishing you must be a Pro Plan member.

Not all articles will be published.

Rules for Articles

  1. Articles must be of original content, interesting and pool related. and the author must claim ownership of the work.
  2. Articles should be grammatically correct and well written and if quoting other sources, please cite the source.
  3. Articles should be free of grammatical errors, and we reserve the right to fix grammatical errors and content as needed, and will do our best not to affect the meaning of the article.

Author Credits

The author’s “Bio” will be included at the bottom of every article along with their profile image. A link back to the authors profile page is provided.

The author can create/modify their “Bio” and “Profile Image” by logging-in and going to their “Account” page.

Share your Articles Link

If published, please feel free to share a link to your article on your website, social media and with family & friends.

Article Writing “101”

To connect with readers, you need to be yourself and be authentic, readers know when you aren’t.

Who is your Audience

Know who your audience is before you begin to write. This will help to give you direction, and make your article flow.

Solve a Problem

Readers want you to solve a problem or issue that they are having. Provide them with strategies that they can use to be successful.

Catch the Reader’s Attention

The best articles and stories take the reader on a journey. Catch the reader’s attention and imagination from the moment they see the title of the article. The best articles then keep a readers attention by delivering on that promise.

Think about the Title

The title of your article is the most important part of the article and to hook the readers attention it should answer the following questions:

  • a.) Does the title grab my attention?
  • b.) Do I want to read this article?
  • c.) Am I interested in reading more?

Article Progression

The article should go through the following progression:

  1. Tell them what you are going to write about.
  2. Write about it.
  3. End by summarizing what you wrote about.

Categories & Article Ideas

These are the topics we want articles to be written about, and the categories they correspond to.


  • Talk about the Business side of a Pool related company.
  • What it takes to start
  • Resources (accounting, taxes, banking, credit cards, website, insurance)
  • Dealing with customers (complaints, satisfaction, overgrown vegetation)


  • How/Where to market your business.
  • Social media advice, do’s and dont’s
  • Ways to get the most bang for your buck (small & large companies)

Client Questions

  • Coming Soon: Answer questions submitted by clients.


  • Product reviews: pumps, filters, cleaners and accesories.

    Tips & Tricks

    • How to’s for clients from the Pros.
    • The little tips and tricks on do it yourself jobs that will make pool ownership more enjoyable..
    • Sub-Categories
      • Maintenance (filters, pumps, heaters, cleaners, etc..)
      • Repairs (remodels, pumps, etc..)
      • Water Quality (chemicals, chemical balance, cause and effect)
      • Lifestyle (products, accessories)

    Pro Spotlight

    • This is where we shine the Spotlight on one of our Pros that helps out in the community, a charity or some other organization giving of their time and/or resources for the betterment of others. Giving you the opportunity to finally write about yourself.
    • If your company does good things for the community and you believe your company should be our Pro Spotlight.
      • Tell us about yourself; how your business got started, what is the favorite part of your day, what your business specializes in and what you or your business does to improve the community in which you live in.


    • Make sure your article is an original (not published anywhere else).
    • Use a free online plagiarism & grammar checker prior to submitting article.
    • Share the link to your article.


    • Submit an article that is entirely self-promotional.
    • Add marketing or affiliate links to your article.

    Guest Author – Article Submission Form

    Requires Pro package to submit articles